Emergency Lights - Should I Change the Battery or Change the Entire Fixture?
Emergency lights typically have a battery back-up that will operate the light in the event the power goes out, regardless of if there’s a generator for back-up power. Exit signs can and should also have a battery, especially if the building doesn’t have generator. During fire department inspections, the functionality of emergency lights is routinely assessed, ensuring they operate seamlessly with or without power. To comply with federal and state regulations, maintaining these lights is crucial. When considering installation of new or updated emergency lights, should you opt to solely change the battery or replace the entire fixture? Requirements for Emergency Lighting During emergencies like fires, commercial buildings must have functional emergency and exit-path lighting. These lights are crucial for illuminating hallways, stairwells, and exits. They must emit a minimum of 1.07 lux of light along the emergency exit path at floor level and remain lit fo...