What do you know about LiFePO4 Battery?
As a LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturer , share with you. There are a lot of LiFePO4 battery, but there are some disadvantages. LiFePO4 Battery LiFePO4 Battery also has its shortcomings: for example, poor low temperature performance, low tap density of the positive electrode material, and lithium iron phosphate battery of equal capacity is larger than lithium ion batteries such as lithium cobaltate, so it has no advantage in micro batteries. When used in power batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries, like other batteries, need to face battery consistency issues. Threat of elemental iron During the sintering process during the preparation of lithium iron phosphate, there is a possibility that iron oxide is reduced to elemental iron under a high-temperature reducing atmosphere. Elemental iron can cause micro short circuits in batteries and is the most taboo substance in batteries. This is also the main reason why Japan has not used this material as a positive electrod...