NiCd Nickel Cadmium Battery Technology Overview
The Nickel Cadmium, NiCd or Ni-Cd Battery was the first type of rechargeable cell that could be used for portable electronics equipment. Although the Lead Acid battery had been available for many years, it was mainly used for automotive batteries. Th NiCd might easily be used as a direct replacement for many conventional primary batteries and its usage quickly caught on. Currently few NiCd batteries can be bought, but did fill a gap in the market that no other battery of the time could meet. Occasionally old Nickel Cadmium Battery can still be found in stocks or possibly even in use. NiCd or Ni-Cd Cells are able to provide an almost direct replacements for zinc carbon or alkaline primary batteries. They generally are able to retain less charge than these cells, but have the obvious advantage that they are able to be re-charged. This means that although the initial purchase cost is higher t...